
Ready for a Nature Boost?

By |October 14th, 2019|Depression, Energy, Exercise, Fun, Health & Wellness, Nature, Outdoors, Renewal, Wellness|

What are your favorite memories of being out in nature? Perhaps you've experienced a sunset at the Grand Canyon, the stunning vista aglow in the red-orange light. Or maybe, like me, some of your best memories are closer to home. My family and I enjoy late summer evening walks through our neighborhood greenbelt, the fireflies flickering like thousands of tiny fairies lighting up the woods. Whatever your specific memories are, I imagine you return from your time in nature feeling [...]

Finding Exercise You Love

By |August 30th, 2019|Energy, Exercise, Fun, Health & Wellness, Renewal, Self-Help, Wellness|

Do you ever find yourself thinking of exercise as a chore? Maybe your thoughts run something like this - “I really should go jogging after work (even though I don’t even like jogging)." Regular exercise is important for good health, but when we choose activities that feel more like chores than fun, it’s difficult to sustain doing them over time. So, what if instead of approaching exercise as something we dread doing but have to do, we approach it with [...]

Why I Became a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach

By |August 19th, 2019|Dreams Come True, Goals, Health & Wellness, Health & Wellness Coaching, Wellness, Wellness Coaching|

I love finding out why people choose to do the work they do, so when someone asks me, “Why did you become a health and wellness coach?” I get it. I am a health and wellness coach for numerous reasons, and here are a few: I want to support individuals in creating their most vibrant and satisfying lives. And I don’t mean vibrant and satisfying in the abstract sense but rather in specific and rich details. In my experience, [...]

What Do You Want Most for Your Health & Wellness?

By |August 19th, 2019|Goals, Health & Wellness, Wellness, Wellness Vision|

Imagine that by waving a magic wand you can realize your greatest possible level of health and wellness. How would you look and feel?  If you shared with me that you would feel more energetic, I would invite you to tell me more. Tell me about a time in your life when you felt an abundance of energy. What was that like? What would having more energy now feel like? And how might having more energy impact your day-to-day life? [...]

Ready for a Nature Boost?

October 14th, 2019|0 Comments

What are your favorite memories of being out in nature? Perhaps you've experienced a sunset at the Grand Canyon, the stunning vista aglow in the red-orange light. Or maybe, like me, some of your best [...]

Finding Exercise You Love

August 30th, 2019|0 Comments

Do you ever find yourself thinking of exercise as a chore? Maybe your thoughts run something like this - “I really should go jogging after work (even though I don’t even like jogging)." Regular exercise [...]